Nulla Una builds quick, user friendly and secure systems for enterprises where its focus is on your individual needs. If stand-alone or connected to software you already use, it becomes your property and we will make it optimally fit to your people, assets and processes.
The benefit of a platform made by Nulla Una is, in addition to its ease of use, the flexibility of the system: the user see only that what they need and we are able to extend or finetune anything, which is not possible with packets you buy elsewhere. The system is yours and its users feel that. You pay no licension fees. And we engage ourselves as much as possible with the users of your system. Our clients see us as their partner and not only as a supplier.
We have built a lot of systems of vital importance to our clients' enterprises. These include the management of employees, members, budgets, assets, documents, invoicing, processes and logistics. An enterprise system can sometimes be built within a few days. We have also systems running which are permanently in progress, where extensions and improvements are built through the time. Further our systems feature stability and don't require much maintenance.
Before building anything we like to engage ourselve in coming to the the optimal structure and functioning of the system. In our portfolio you will find some examples.